Going on a bear hunt
We all run into obstacles. And when we do, we make a choice.
Do we try to go around them - swerving and dodging like LeBron?
Do we try to go over them - hurdling them like Jackie?
Do we absolutely refuse to acknowledge them - like a stubborn show jumper?
Or do we choose to go through them - like we're going on a bear hunt?
'Oh-oh! An obstacle! A scary, unavoidable (and occasionally unforeseen) obstacle.
We can't go over it. We can't go under it. Oh, no! We've got to go through it!'
When you happen upon an obstacle, set your expectations and your jaw and prepare to move through it. Going around doesn't work because the obstacle just bites you, firmly, as you try to move beyond it. 'I'm still here,' it growls through clenched teeth. Going over it doesn't work because the obstacle just morphs into the embodiment of a side-mirror object, becoming larger and more impactful as you attempt to leave it behind. 'I'm gaining power,' it roars over the noise you use to drown it out. And refusing to acknowledge it is just stubborn, ostrich-esque behavior that gets sand in your hair, red on your balance sheet, and the boot from clients. 'Let me know when you're ready,' it whispers in the middle of the night.
Moving through an obstacle will teach you something. It will offer the satisfaction of facing a daunting situation. It will bring to light inefficiencies in a process or glitches in the system. It will let you know who is with you - and who is against you.
And it will lighten your load, increase your confidence, and arm you for the next obstacle, which will invariably arise.
You will have owned it - literally and figuratively, which is valuable currency in today's world. Then, it will be your turn to growl and roar and whisper: 'I'm still here. I'm gaining power. I am ready.'
So..the next time an obstacle rears it's ugly, scary, unavoidable (and occasionally unforeseen) head, make the choice to go through it.